What exactly is our Roll


By Jason



I've struggled to really focus the last couple of weeks, I have tasks building up and things I need to be doing but as per the brain desires, it's all on the back burner. 

So a quick and rushed blog is what we are all witnessing today because there is so much shit happening currently in the world, who really has time to be reading my ramblings?

There are plenty of elephants in the room and I'm always wondering if Vibe Union should take part in tougher conversations or if we should leave it as an entity for others to express themselves through our facilitation of events.  

I mean those who are part of the wider Vibe Union Universe seemingly all have similar ideologies (I am assuming but I think I am correct) but at the end of the day, we are all individuals with our own opinions. 

We have all seen virtue singling corporations , trying to profit off systemic and global issues many people face on a day to day basis and it is easy to see through their thin veneer of fake acceptance.

So what now? 

The world is going to shit, hell in a handbasket if you will, are we to just sit and be creative and channel our frustrations and anger into little fun projects of distractions? 

Is our creative ways an outlet to escape the weight we bare upon our shoulders or merely to escape a reality we wish not to connect with, cocooning ourselves in a blanket of ignorance?

Do we as Vibe Union take our small, very small, minuscule influential corner of the world and inter webs or leave it as is?

I'm leaning towards the former   

I probably shouldn't have written this the same day I'm dealing with shitty property managers

But here we are



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Graphics by Rhath